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nursery applications & admissions

We accept applications for the term after your child turns three and have three main intakes per year; these are September, January and April. All admissions are subject to availability at the point of entry and places are allocated in line with our admissions criteria below.

If you would like to apply for a place in our nursery, please email to request an application form during the preceding January or September as follows:

For a September start, applications open on the 1st of January and close on the 31st of March.

For a January start, applications open on the 1st of September and close on the 31st October.

For an April start, applications open on the 1st January and close on the last day in February.

Please ensure that your completed application form reaches us by the closing dates above to be considered for a place.

For January and April applications, parents will be notified of the outcome within 4 weeks of the closing dates.

For September applications, parents will be notified of the outcome within 6 weeks of the closing date.

From September 2025 we may also be able to take children as soon as they turn three as opposed to them having to wait until the term after they turn three for a place. This will be subject to availability at the time of enquiry and under this scenario, there is no application process and you will not be able to apply for a place in advance. Please wait until your child has already turned three before contacting us.