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clubs and groups

Throughout the year we try to offer a wide range of clubs based around learning, enjoyment and competition.

The following table shows the current clubs that are available after school.  Children will be made aware in school of the lunchtime clubs.  

This will be updated with any changes each term.

Clubs and groups that take place during the school day e.g. Times Tables Club, Computing Club and Bible Club are not listed here. 


What Club



Collection Time



Yr 3 & 4 Indoor Games 

Monday 13th January

(every Mon up to Monday 3rd February) 

Mr Williams 


4.15 pm

KS2 Hall

Year 3 & 4

Yr 5 Dodgeball

Tuesday 14th January (every Tue up to Tuesday 4th February) 

Mr Williams 


4.15pm  KS2 Hall Year 5 
Yr  6 Dodgeball 

Wednesday 15th January (every Wed up to Wednesday 5th February)

Mr Williams 4.15pm  KS2 Hall Year 6 
Yr  3 - 6 Tag Rugby 

Thursday 16th January (every Thur up to Thursday 6th February)


Mr Williams 

Mr Stanley 

4.15pm School Field Year 3 - 6  
Yr 3 & 4 Football Monday 24th February(every Mon up to Monday 31st March)

Mr Williams

Mr Stanley 

4.15pm School Field Year 3 & 4
Yr 5 & 6 Football Wednesday 26th February (every Wed up to Wednesday 2nd April)

Mr Williams

Mr Stanley 

4.15pm School Field  Year 5 & 6  
Yr 4 - 6 Gymnastics

Wednesday 26th February (every Wed up to Wednesday 2nd April)

Mrs Moores

4.15pm KS2 Hall  Year 4,5 & 6
Yr 5 & 6 Netball Thursday 27th February  (every Thur up to Thursday 3rd April) Mrs Moores 4.15pm KS2 Playground Year 5 & 6 

Yr 3 - 5

Alternative Sports

Thursday 27th February  (every Thur up to Thursday 3rd April) Mr Williams  4.15pm KS2 Hall Year 3, 4 & 5
Storytellers Monday 11th November - 9th December  Mrs Till & Miss Spencer 4.15pm collect from KS2 gate 2T Classroom

Reception, Y1 & Y2

Film Club Tuesday 5th November - 10th December  Mr Locke 4.15pm collect from Y5 Corridor 5L Classroom Years 5 & 6
Makaton Club Monday 13th January - Monday 10th February Miss Ashton 4:10pm from Reception entrance RGA Classroom Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Science Club Monday 13th January - Monday 10th February Miss Ross 4:10pm from Reception entrance  RHR Classroom Reception, Year 1 & Year 2