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Makaton Champions

Communication and language is the ‘golden thread’ to learning. Children, starting from the EYFS, are immersed in a language rich environment and are exposed to a range of different approaches and techniques which support the development of communication skills. Last year, our EY team and some KS1 teachers completed Level 1 Makaton training. Makaton is used as a multi-sensory approach to support and bolster children’s communication and language skills. Implementing the use of Makaton across the school supports all children to be confident communicators, whilst also equipping them with an important life skill.

We have launched the role of Makaton Champions across the school. Each fortnight, Makaton Champions meet with Miss Ashton to learn two new signs relevant to our school ethos and learning. Makaton Champions enjoy taking ownership of ensuring that new signs are cascaded back to their class. These are then woven across different parts of the school day, including daily classroom instructions, weekly themes and during celebration and music and melody assemblies.