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Year 1

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Welcome to Year 1!

We are so happy that you are here and hope that you enjoy finding out about our learning journey along with being kept up to date with important events. Please follow us on Twitter @LeasowesPrimary for more updates on our learning.

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell

Leasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary SchoolLeasowes Primary School

Summer Term 2

We are now already well into the second half of the summer term and the children have been working extremely hard as always. This week has seen them complete their 'Show off' week to Mrs Bettany and Mr Coombs for their Phonics Screening Check. Wow! They absolutely blew us all away and should be immensely proud. 

In English we have begun learning linked to Peter Pan, this will continue over the next few weeks with the focus being on fiction writing and description. The children have really impressed us with their knowledge of time in Maths, showing they can read analogue times of o'clock and half past. In our History and Geography Explorers unit, the children enjoyed an immersive Sahara Desert experience where they flew from an airport, used a 'Tuff Spot' full of sand and camels to describe what they would see in the Sahara, they met the Tuareg Tribe and even rode on camels. 

This half term is a busy one with Sport's Day and the Year 1 Pirate day. A letter will be sent home nearer the time to explain the details of this. Below you will find the new Summer 2 timetable so that you can see the lessons that are being taught through the week. 

Keep an eye on 'X' for all of the latest tweets of our learning. There is a snap shot of some of our tweets from this half term below. 

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell

Key Information:

Phonics books will be given out every Tuesday and are due back every Friday. 

Reading Diaries are collected and checked every Monday and Thursday. Please try to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. It makes such a difference!

PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. 

Forest School is on a Thursday. 

Coming Up This Term: Important dates for your diary: 

Phonics Screening: Week commencing 10th June 

Sports Day: Thursday 20th June 2024

Summer Term 1

Wow! Can you believe we are nearly 4 weeks into our Summer term already? Where has this year gone? Year 1 have been working really hard and we couldn't be prouder. In English we have been reading 'Where the Wild Things Are' and the children have completed some descriptions of their own wild things, as well as innovating their own version of the story. This week has seen them learning non-fiction facts all about Antarctica. They found it fascinating learning about Emperor Penguins and Orcas. In Maths, the children have been challenging themselves with multiplication and have been drawing their own Bar Models to show their working out KS2! 

History and Geography has seen us begin our Explorers and Journeys unit. A mystery rucksack was found and the children had to use their Historical Interpretations skill to work out who it could belong to and to reason why. They have also begun to learn about Christopher Columbus and they had to answer the enquiry question: 'What was the reason for his expedition?'. Again, the children had to interpret different sources of information and then reason as to what they thought was the most important reason for his expedition. They then compared life on board ship Nina with life on board a cruise ship and they reasoned as to why this would be different. In Science, the children have begun learning about animals in our 'animals including humans' unit. They have grouped different animals into their correct group and have learnt about Chris Packham, a wildlife conservationist. They have even made their own bird feeders to encourage more birds to our Forest School area! 

The Phonics Screening check is the week commencing 10th June and the children are working extremely hard everyday and are making excellent progress. The Year 5 Phonics buddies have been coming to work with some children everyday too and it has been wonderful to see the children beam with pride at their achievements. 

Below are the knowledge organisers for the History and Geography in  our Explorers and Journeys unit. PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday this half term. 

Keep an eye on 'X' for all of the latest tweets of our learning. There is a snap shot of some of our tweets from this half term below. 

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell

March 2024

We are officially half way through the second half of Spring Term and it feels like it is going so fast we will blink and it will be Easter! As always the children have been working extremely hard and have made us proud everyday. They have really been enjoying learning about Cannock Chase and comparing it to the Amazon...we even flew to the Amazon last week to discover what animals live there. We got a bit wet so it was lucky that we took our coats. The children have been excited to learn about the physical and human features of the Amazon and couldn't believe that there is a railway running through it! 

In English we have continued our theme around plants and forests and have been reading Little Red Riding Hood, The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton and we are soon to start Into the Forest by Anthony Brown. Through this, the children have developed their vocabulary and written some amazing descriptions, they have innovated the story of Little Red Riding Hood and were even visited by fairies. 

In Maths the children have been learning about the 'greater gator' and how he likes to eat the greater number and 'turns his back on what is less'. They have used this to compare 2-digit numbers up to 100. They have also been working really hard on their understanding of time and they absolutely blew us away with how well they can read o'clock times! 

We began initial Phonics Screening Checks this week and will be holding a meeting to give further information to parents soon. 

Keep an eye on 'X' for all of the latest tweets of our learning. There is a snap shot of some of our tweets from this half term below. 

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell


February 2024

Wow! Can you believe we are at the end of the 1st half of the Spring term already?! Where is this year going? This half term has seen us cover so much learning across all subject areas. The children have shown off their poetry skills in English by producing wonderful alliterative poems about Winter. They have written some amazing non-fiction writing based on Mary Seacole and completed diary writing for Florence Nightingale. In Maths, we have really been pushing them all with the challenges of reasoning and problem solving and lesson after lesson they have shown huge courage in their learning by rising to that challenge. 

We have been so proud of the children through their learning and understanding of our Fantastic Females - Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Alice Hawkins. They have shown a level of maturity beyond their years and have been talking about these incredible women outside of the lessons too. Science has seen us start our Plants unit and this will continue after half term. 

After half term, the children will be completing their Forest School learning unit. A letter will be sent out this week regarding this. Please find attached the new knowledge organiser for our Geography unit 'Comparing Forests'. 

PE will remain on a Wednesday and a Friday and reading books will continue to be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. Keep an eye on 'X' for all of the latest tweets of our learning. There is a snap shot of some of our tweets from this half term below. 

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Key Information:

Phonics books will be given out every Tuesday and are due back every Friday. 

Reading Diaries are collected and checked every Monday and Thursday. Please try to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. It makes such a difference!

PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. 

Forest School is on a Thursday. 

Coming Up This Term: Important dates for your diary: 

Phonics Screening: Week commencing 10th June 

Sports Day: Thursday 20th June 2024

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell :) 

Monday 8th January 2024

Welcome back Year 1! Can you believe we are now in our second terms already? What a fantastic Autumn term we had. We cannot believe how well you all have progressed in your learning already and we are so excited for the term ahead. This Spring we will be starting our new History unit called Fantastic Females which will focus on the amazing achievements of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Alice Hawkins. This will be supported with work completed throughout the English reading and writing curriculum. We will also be starting our new Science unit which is all about plants and covers everything from the types of trees and plants found in our local area and gardens, as well as plants found further away in areas like the Amazon Rainforest. We know that some of you have got a lot of knowledge about plants already and we hope you can share this with us through this new unit. 

Below you will find our new knowledge organiser showing all of the knowledge that will be covered through our Fantastic Females unit. Our class timetable is also attached too. PE will remain on a Wednesday and a Friday and reading books will continue to be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. Keep an eye on 'X' for all of the latest tweets of our learning. 

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell :) 

Key Information:

Phonics books will be given out every Tuesday and are due back every Friday. 

Reading Diaries are collected and checked every Monday and Thursday. Please try to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. It makes such a difference!

PE is on a Wednesday and a Friday.

Coming Up This Term: Important dates for your diary: 

Phonics Information Evening focussing on the Screening: Monday 22nd January 2024 (see attached letter below)

Phonics Screening: Week commencing 10th June 

Monday 4th December 2023

Excitement is building in Year 1 now as our Leasowes Advent calendar has begun. Our classrooms are decorated with baubles, a tree and there is even a cheeky elf in 1LT. They have also been working really hard on learning the songs for our Christmas performance. The children have been doing themselves and us proud as always with all of their hard work. In English they have been writing instructions to fix Woody, a recount of their visit to the Museum of Cannock Chase, a narrative and description linked to Old Bear and this week are revisiting letter writing to tell Aunt Lucy all about Paddington's visit to the circus! We cannot believe the progress they are making. 

In Maths, they have been focussing on number bonds to 10, counting in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s and this week are focussing on developing their understanding of fractions by finding 1/2s and 1/4s of amounts. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Museum of Cannock Chase and they showed real enjoyment for all of their learning. We are sure they told you all about the Punch and Judy show! They were also able to go on a rocking horse, make a peg doll and completed a toy-themed dance. The coach on the way back was certainly full of tired children! 

We are excited to share the final few weeks of the Autumn Term with the children and cannot wait to see their Christmas jumpers! We also look forward to seeing you all joining us for our AMAZING Christmas performance! 

Below is a snapshot of some of our learning that has taken place already. Be sure to check out our tweets on Twitter (X).

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell :) 

Monday 23rd October 2023

Can you believe we have finished the first half term of the year? Wow it has been a long half term but the children have absolutely done themselves proud. They have worked exceptionally hard across the curriculum, have showed a real love for their learning and it feels like they have always been Year 1 children. Every challenge we set them they rise to and we could not be prouder. 

This half term has seen us develop our understanding of Toys Through the Years in History; they have identified old and new toys, put toys in chronologocial order and showed excellent reasoning skills, reflecting on how toys can show how their lives are different to those who lived in the past. They have also been learning about the invention of the teddy bear by a man called Morris Michtom! In Science, they have developed their understanding of materials and their properties and were able to save Paddington from getting wet by investigating the best material to make him a new umbrella. 

The teddy bear line drawings they have created are incredible. The children have worked extremely hard on creating value in their drawings and these bears are on display in the classrooms...they should be so proud! 

English has seen us cover a variety of different text times; writing instructions for a cup and ball toy, writing an information book for our Grandparents about our toys and even writing a letter to Aunt Lucy from Paddington. In Maths, the children have developed their number knowledge using place value, addition and subtraction and this week have been applying their understanding to learning about length and solving problems. 

We wish them a very happy half term and look forward to seeing them back in school the following week. As always, keep an eye on Twitter for our updates. Just a reminder that PE will be on the 1st Monday back due to a change that week in the timetable. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell

Recent Tweets...

Monday 18th September 2023

Wow! We cannot believe how well the children have settled into Year 1 already. It is like they have always been here! We have been doing some amazing learning linked to materials in Science and in English the children set up their own Toy Museum and invited the Year 3 children to visit. In History they loved exploring the old toys and we cannot wait to see their special toys this week. 

The children have come home with a Phonics book and a Reading book now. The Reading book is changed on a Monday and a Thursday. The Phonics book is sent home each Tuesday and is to be returned on Friday. The children have also received their first week of spellings this week. These will be tested in their Spelling book on Friday so please make sure the children have them in their book bag ready. 

Below is a snapshot of some of our learning that has taken place already. Be sure to check out our tweets on Twitter (X).

As always, we are available each morning and evening on the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell :) 


Monday 4th September 2023

WOW! Welcome to Year 1 everyone! We hope you are as excited as we are about starting the next stage in your learning journey. Year 1 is such an exciting year and we know you will all enjoy it as much as we do. The Autumn term sees us learning all about toys in our Terrific Toy Tales topic. We learn all about toys from the past in History, the materials that toys are made from in Science and we explore a range of texts through our English including Paddington by Michael Bond, Old Bear by Jane Hissey and Toys in Space by Mini Grey. This book links nicely with learning all about Neil Armstrong too! 

Key Information:

Phonics books will be given out every Tuesday and are due back every Friday. 

Reading Diaries are collected and checked every Monday and Thursday. Please try to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. It makes such a difference!

PE is on a Wednesday and a Friday.

Coming Up This Term: Important dates for your diary: 

Monday 20th November - Educational Visit to Cannock Chase Toy Museum

Wednesday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner Day

Thursday 14th December - KS1 Production

Please find attached the Autumn timetable for both classes. We cannot wait to share some of their learning with you on here and on Twitter! As always, we are available each morning and evening at the door if you need to speak to us. 

Mrs Dodd and Miss Thelwell :)