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Year 2


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Welcome to the Year 2 page!

We are so happy that you are here and hope that you enjoy finding out about our learning journey along with being kept up to date with important events.

Important Information and Dates:

PE: Thursday and Friday

Homework to be given out on a Wednesday and returned to school on a Monday.

Spellings to be given out and tested on a Monday.

Reading books and diaries will be checked and changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please encourage your child to show us their diary if they have any messages from home as diaries will not be checked every day. 

May 2024

April 2024


During Spring 2, we zoomed in on New Delhi in India and London in England. We developed our sense of place knowledge about India and discovered what the climate is like there and which animals, foods and clothing can be found. We learnt about New Delhi and the human and physical features that make the city such an interesting place to visit. We used our previous knowledge of London and learnt new information about it as a capital city. During this unit, we have explored the human features that make it such an interesting place for tourists to visit. To conclude our unit, we compared both of the capital cities and found similarities and differences between the two.

History and English

Our Summer 1 unit has begun and this half term we are learning about The Great Fire of London. The children will learn about the events which unfolded in 1666 and how this has influenced our fire safety today. We are very much looking forward to our family learning day on Wednesday 8th May where the children’s moving vehicle designs will be brought to life! We will definitely appreciate all of the extra pairs of hands! Hopefully, by sharing in this learning experience you will witness first-hand how much the children are enjoying this unit.


In Maths, the children have continued to improve their arithmetic through weekly quizzes, morning work and daily starter activities. To support this please encourage your children to practise their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables; we have also introduced the 3x table. We have also been learning about position and direction and focusing specifically on turns, using the mathematical vocabulary anticlockwise, clockwise, left and right. In addition to this, the children have learnt about volume and capacity this half term.

Design and Technology

During DT this half term, the children learnt about healthy eating, party food and well-known chefs who make this type of food. The children designed their healthy wraps, ensuring that it had different foods from the 5 main food groups. During this unit, the children learnt how to hold and use knives and cheese graters safely. They also learnt where certain foods come from and whether they need to wash or cook food before preparing it for a meal. They made their wraps ensuring they were applying what they had learnt about preparing food and staying safe around equipment. They thoroughly enjoyed making these wraps and even told us they have made some at home!



Miss Roe and Mrs Till

March 2024


In Spring 1, we zoomed in our local area to learn all about the Shugborough Estate in Stafford. As part of this learning, we learnt about the Anson family, specifically George and Thomas Anson and the impact they had on the Shugborough Estate's development. We learnt about Park Farm and the different roles that people had such as the milkmaid, cowman, pigman, under shepherd and the miller. We learnt about what life was like for the servants of Shugborough and that the butler and housekeeper were the most important and so earned the most money. We completed an emersive experience where we acted out what life was like for the servants. You can see some pictures below. Finally, we studied the Shugborough mansion that the Anson family lived in and compared the similarities and differences to the Servants' Quarters. We have really enjoyed learning about the history of our local area. 

Geography and English

In Spring 2, we are starting our new Geography unit where we will be comparing life in India to our life in the UK. As part of the KS1 geography national curriculum, children are expected to compare a region of the UK to a region in a Non-EU country and so we will be zooming in to focus on the cities of London and New Delhi. This will be supported by our learning in English where we will be reading two texts. 'This is our World' by Asa Gilland and Tracey Turner is a non-fiction book about children who live in different countries all over the world. The second text of study is called 'The boy who biked the world' by Alastair Humphreys which follows the story of a young boy named Tom who bikes from England to the end of Africa.


Thank you to those parents who attended our Year 2 Maths Workshop delivered by Mr Coombs. Copies of the PowerPoint slides are available for download at the end of the page. This term we have been focusing on addition and subtraction mental and written methods, statistics, times tables (2s, 5s, 10s and 3s), mass, volume, temperature, fractions and money. 

January 2024


Our first text for this half term is the 'Dinoteks' By N.S Blackman. The children were shown photos of our local area that had been mysteriously damaged. They received a message from Mrs Bettany, asking them to investigate the school area, to see if there were any signs of destruction.  The children decided that these were from a Dinotek. We used this memorable moment to write a recount about the events. 


In maths this half-term, the children have been learning about fractions. So far they have learnt about the fractions a half and a quarter. They have learnt to find a half and quarter of amounts and shapes. We have recognised that one half is the same as two quarters and to find one quarter you can find one half and halve it again. 


In our geography lessons in Autumn 2, we learnt about the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom and learnt the name of each capital city. We learnt about the population of the countries and the capital cities within the UK. We used cubes to represent the number of people that lived in these areas. This helped us understand the size of each country or capital city and to compare them to each other.

We have also learnt about the 7 continents and 5 oceans that form the structure of the world. We explored the climates of the world in relation to the equator and polar regions. We learnt about the temperatures, size and animals of the 5 oceans too. 

November 2023


In maths this term, we have taught and covered place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, measure, time and position and direction. The children have been using their place value knowledge of 2-digit numbers to be able to add and subtract them using a CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach. Please see our calculation policy for more information. The children have also been learning how addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. In areas of geometry, the children have learnt to name and identify the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes, conducting a shape hunt around school (see some photos below). Arithmetic continues to be a weekly focus through daily morning maths and mental starters. Please support your child with quick fire mental recall of addition and subtraction number facts as well as practising their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. TT Rockstars is a great resource that all children can use at home to support with this. 

English and History

In English, all of our reading and writing lessons are 'rooted in reading' and there is a story, book or text at the heart of each writing unit. Here is a list of some of the books and stories we have read this term as part of our Kings and Queens unit:

The Queen’s Knickers by Nicholas Allan

Queen Victoria’s Knickers by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley

Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine by Gloria Whelan

The Queen's Orang-utan by David Walliams

Little People, Big Dreams: King Charles III by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear

The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen

The children have loved reading and learning about different monarchs and using these stimulus to inspire their writing. They have designed their own pair of knickers for Queen Elizabeth II and used expanded noun phrases to describe them. They have written instructions for how to use Queen Victoria's bathing machine. They have written their own adventure stories based on what mischief an orang-utan butler might get up to at Buckingham Palace and what adventure Queen Victoria might take around London. We have received a letter from King Charles III in his new role and the children have written replies. We have also researched the lives of significant monarchs and written a non-chronological report about King Charles III and a biography about Queen Elizabeth II. We have been practising using questions and exclamations, as well as beginning to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to extend sentences.

We hope you enjoyed reading some of the children's writing at Parents' Evening. 

Other Curriculum Areas

In Science, the children have been learning about materials and their uses. In PSHE, we have been thinking about responsibilities as a class and in RE we are learning about the Christian creation story. In computing, the children have been learning about Information Technology and Digital Photography.

Well done to all the children for their hard work with their homework, reading and spellings so far this term. We are thrilled that the children have been showing such aspiration at home. 

Welcome to Year 2!

We would like to wish each and every one of you a big, warm welcome to Year 2! We are so excited to see the children and welcome them back into school. We know the children are going to have a fantastic year, and we cannot wait to start our new adventure together. 

Please bear with us while the children settle into their new routines and expectations for Year 2. Similarly to Year 1, the children will still be able to take school books home to read, and we encourage them to read as often as possible. The children will be given weekly spellings to learn which will follow the Year 2 spelling rules. 

If you need to contact us, please catch us after school. Alternatively, leave a message at the office, and we will phone you back as soon as we can.

Mrs Till and Miss Roe

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